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” Just A Taste “…Listen to some of PAW Ministries’ Music!


Mr. Deep Positivity


Paris Fisher


Emerald Stone

gus outside cover 8

” D.J. The Gustomizer ”

Now listen up people I am talkin’ to you…God’s the same today as yesterday His Word is true…The promises He makes He will surely keep…Rest your tired head, you need your sleep…Be still and know that He is God…Don’t listen to the liar, satan’s a fraud…I’ve heard satan’s lies many times before…When he comes knockin’ don’t open the door…So you’re going through a storm, it will not always be…Today’s reality is tomorrows history! In God’s family, we stick together…we share the sunshine and the stormy weather…through eyes of Faith you will see…future Blessings that will be… Heed my words God’s gift to you…Focus on Him and He’ll get you through…take a dip in God’s Word, encouragement…Faith. Hope. Love. Spiritual nourishment…I’m tellin’ you God’s not done with us…Can you feel it? This is your Brother Gus! AMEN


Bethany Violet









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