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Feeling Blessed!

Sarah Delahunt feeling blessed.

Last night’s experience at the Detention Center in Taunton was mind-blowing. It was not at all what I expected it to be but pleasantly enough that’s a good thing. Like you would expect at any correction facility, there was security, locked doors and gates to get through before you entered the Recreation Hall. The appearance of the hall was very dull and boring and the adolescents looked worn down and stressed. The service started off with prayer and spoken word and then suddenly the florescent lights turned off and the strobe lights, disco ball and music turned on. While hip hop music was blasting in the background, the volunteers encouraged the teens to loosen up and have some fun. They opened up the dance floor and both teens and volunteers started to breakdance, you could see this sea of frowns turn into smiles, it was quite a sight to see. Then out came the hip hop artists preaching God’s Word through raps representing Christ and bringing Him glory. Finally it was my turn to close the service with a song and I could feel God’s peace flow through me as I sang “He Knows my Name” by The McRaes. I have sang that song a dozen times before, but last night it felt softer and the room felt calm. When the minister came up and gave the altar call, he asked them if they wanted to receive Jesus and hands were raised all over the room. My experience with PAW ministries was life altering and an honor to be a part of. It’s evident that this ministry is legitimately being used of God to expand His Kingdom and build bridges to those not easily reached.

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