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Pastor Sheshai’s testimony from Haiti


Pastor Sheshai Lafountaine

THIS MAY LOOK LONG, BUT BELIEVE ME IT IS WORTH THE READ!!!! Do you believe God answers prayers? Imagine living in Rhode Island, the smallest state in the United States and then going on a missionary trip to Haiti to do some specific tasks. While on the bus to go to a village to do missionary work, we were asked if we would mind stopping for a moment because one of the leaders received a call that caused concern for an elderly woman that lived nearby the route that we were on. The bus stopped and we were asked if there were any believers that would like to get off to go and check on the woman and offer prayer. I believe there were 8 of us that went. As we walked there was a lot of garbage on the ground that we had to step over and we could see set way in the back, was this little tent/shack that was in really tough shape. Through this little opening of metal that was bent back, sat this little elderly woman on banana peels that were all tied together. They were wet and not good anymore to lay on. This banana peel mattress was on the ground and there was dirty clothes and garbage piled around the elderly woman. She was very thin and fragile. When we walked in she was so welcoming, her beautiful face glowed! She said her legs were in pain and had not been able to stand for several day but she is not sure of exactly how long. She had no food or a drop of water. She was not sure how long she had been without food and water. I asked her if I could pray for her and she told a sister in Christ that spoke Creole, “she doesn’t even have to ask me.” I began to pray for her while our sister interpreted. I went to the bus to collect food from our team and everyone cheerfully gave what they had. We were also able to give a good amount of water. She was so so grateful for a bag of food and water.
Before we left, One of our brothers in Christ was led by the Holy Spirit to ask if he could wash her feet, she nodded, yes. As he humbly approached her and kneeled down, she was ready to receive everything that The Lord God almighty brought us there to do… He brought us there To be his hands and feet. As he was washing her feet, she began to remove other garments in order to be washed completely. More hands were offered to come together and wash her body and we all prayed. After her feet were washed the young brother in Christ anointed her feet with oil. She had tears in her eyes and shined with love and joy. The missions leaders and village champions now know her needs after stopping in and they said they will make sure the local church is notified so she can be checked on.
After much revelation through the Holy Spirit, I realized that this act of love that led most of us to weep and weep was on Thursday which is the day before Good Friday that is traditionally set apart to remember Jesus Crucifixion, before Resurrection Sunday.
As most of us know at The last Supper Jesus broke bread with the disciples and he said as often as you eat this bread, and drink this drink do this in remembrance of me. So Our Lord actually wants us to remember him as often as we eat and drink. He wants us to remember that he laid down his life for us on the cross for us to be able to live for eternity.
Prior to The Last Supper which traditionally was Holy Thursday, Jesus prepared to wash his disciples feet. Peter felt uncomfortable and asked Jesus if he was going to wash his feet. Jesus said, “what I am doing now you don’t understand but one day you will.” Peter protested, “You will never ever wash my feet.” Jesus said, unless I wash you, you don’t belong to me.” Peter then asks Jesus to wash his feet, head and his hands as well.” John 13:1-16 Jesus gave his disciples an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.
The Holy Spirit was moving in a mighty way on this day. There was a child of God that was alone, hungry, thirsty, dirty, in pain and tired in a little shack somewhere in Haiti and The Lord God answered. We were used to be Jesus hands and feet. Jesus met his child through his children and she was given hope again. Please don’t ever fear or be anxious that your problems are too big for God because God is a big God and nothing is too big for God. If he can meet this beautiful elderly woman that was in dire need, sitting on a banana peel mattress on the ground, surrounded by squalor somewhere in Haiti; then have faith that the same Almighty God can provide your needs, heal your diseases, and give you hope again. The Lord God Almighty is willing and able so please don’t ever lose faith. Trust in The Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him. He is ABLE. He is our living Hope and the way he showed his agape love and to also line it up on the days that are traditionally set apart to remember all that Christ has done for us… There are no words to describe his magnificence.
Jesus retold a part of the story that led up to his Resurrection through our encounter with his beloved daughter. Talk about the best Bible study ever! Thank you Lord God for your love. We love you!!
Give him praise no matter what your going through and trust and believe he is never too far away to hear your cry and his arm is never too short to pull you out of a pit. Don’t wait until tomorrow, for tomorrow isn’t promised. Call on him today!!! Love and blessings in Christ Jesus!

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