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PAW Ministries Web Launch

Well, it might seem like stating the obvious since you are reading this on the PAW website, but we’re proud to announce the launch of the PAW Ministries website!

For those of you who don’t know, PAW Ministries is a relatively new Ministry but we’re growing extremely fast. As a result, we’ve determined that we needed a website to serve as a unified place for people to get the latest news and happenings related to our ministry.

A Continuing Work in Progress
We’re working hard to bring lots of functionality and features to the site and there’s a constant ongoing effort to grow this site into a portal of sorts. Our goal is to use the site as a promotional and outreach tool as well as a resource for not just our ministry, but for other local ministries, churches, and our partners and affiliates as well… However, before we get carried away, we’re making sure that what we add to the site now is done in a fashion that serves the needs of our ministry and its members and friends, that’s first and foremost.

While the site will be a continuing work-in-progress, there are several site features that are already in place and function rock solid. For starters, we have a working blog section where you can register, login, and comment on posts. We also have a fully functioning events section that features reservations for free events, and/or a ticket sales option for paid events. That said, it is HIGHLY recommended that anyone wishing to attend our events make reservations for themselves and guests, as seating is generally limited.

Social Media Sharing
Every page, post, and event is enabled for social media sharing. Simply click the social media icon located at the top or bottom of ANY page to add a link, share, or like the page. It is very simple to use and we encourage everyone with a Facebook page, Twitter account, or Linkedin account to use this feature to help us spread the word about our ministry and it’s events.

Donations & Contributions
Another site feature that you are encouraged to check out, is the Give/Donate feature. We’ve made it easy for anyone with a debit card, checking account, PayPal account, or credit card (VISA, AMEX, DISCOVER, MasterCard) to make a donation safely and securely. All transactions are processed through a third party (PayPal) which means we do not collect any of your private information. Most people are familiar with and comfortable using PayPal, so it seemed only natural to use them to handle our donations.

Give us Feedback
Perhaps one of the most important features is the contact page. We’re always looking for ways to grow our ministry, improve the site, get your feedback, or simply send us a hello! In short, let us know what we are doing well, but also let us know what we need to work on too.

So, now that you’ve gotten the five cent written tour, take a minute to browse the site and become familiar with it’s features. If you have any issues navigating the site, please let us know.

God Bless!

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