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Chill Out

God wants your spirit to be peaceful. He wants you to feel comfortable and full of joy because He knows that when your emotional bucket is full, it is easier to accomplish your spiritual mission, which is to glorify Him by spreading Love and light. But Satan doesn’t want you to be happy. He wants to steal your joy so that all your focus turns inward to all the things that are wrong in your life. Satan loves it when you feel anxious. He wants you to feel unsettled and at odds with people and circumstances so that you will be thinking about how miserable you are, rather than shining your light of encouragement on others. When you begin to feel the creepy darkness of anxiety flooding your soul, remember, it isn’t really that person or that situation that is causing your discomfort. It is Satan, the original power of darkness, trying to steal your joy so that you’ll take your ball and bat and go home. And if you do, Satan will have won, because then you won’t do the wonderful things that you were created for. Don’t let Satan win! Don’t let him take you off the playing field. When you feel your spirit start to sink and you keep replaying all those negative voices in your mind, ask God to help you by flooding your soul with peace. Refocus your thoughts. Consciously breathe and soften your body and spirit, which are probably tense with anger, resentment, or frustration. Those feelings are not from God. Put up your hand and say, “No! I am not having it that way. I am choosing to focus on Love and keeping my peace.” By only speaking positive, kind, loving words, you give Satan no opportunity to enter your mouth, heart or spirit. With God’s help, you can reclaim your joy and get back to the business of doing those things that you were uniquely created for and being a blessing to the people in your world.

Peace Out People. Gus Barboza

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